Leicester on alert as crime rates spike as night falls earlier

With the clocks going back last month, the continuing trend of crime rates in Leicester have started to spike, causing residents to be vigilant for the future.

Leading the concerning crime rates have been an increase in violent and sexual offences, whilst other theft has fallen.

Last winter, Leicester residents faced a large amount of burglary and criminal damage and whilst there has been a decrease this year, people are still concerned.

Mostly, however, residents have been concerned with their safety during the earlier sunsets as violence and sexual crimes have been found to be the most common crimes in Leicester.

"I feel scared to even walk around campus, let alone town, because anyone can go there at any time, even if they're drunk.

"Now, by the time it's dark, it's literally five o'clock, men are leering at me or shouting, so I don't even want to be outside when it's still early," said Lin Xu, 20, a student attending De Montfort University.

Previously, there had been findings of a link between winter weather and an increase in crime rates - especially with raised concerns from women feeling more unsafe with early dark nights.

Whilst offence rates tend to decrease when temperatures drop, sexual offences remain steady.

Another student, Hibah Yousaf, 18, attending the University of Leicester, said: “I finish work around six, which is still relatively early, but there are men who are drunk and shouting by the time I finish because of earlier nights, and I don’t even feel safe anymore.

"During the summer, it’s alright because it’s still light and not as dangerous but it’s not any more. I could walk to work and back but I don’t even hesitate to call an Uber as soon as I see a group of men now.”

Following higher rates of crime since Halloween festivities, citizens have been warned to stay aware of any offending risks around them.